Last night, the husband and I were all stoked to be getting to bed early, around 10:30PM (yes, we really are that exciting). He was brushing his teeth and I was getting ready to jump in the shower, when all of a sudden I smelled smoke. The husband has a super sniffer, but he didn't smell the smoke, so I figured I must be imagining things and continued with what I was doing. A few minutes later, the building's smoke alarms started going off. Now, normally our SOP is to stick our heads out the windows to look for smoke. If we can't see anything, we walk into the hall and look out the other windows. Then we discuss the situation with our neighbors, and decide if it's really an emergency. (Trust me, 12 stories is a lot to walk, and there have been a lot of false alarms in the seven years I've lived here!)
But, since we could actually smell smoke this time, we decided to throw on some clothes, grab the pertinent items (wallet, keys, engagement ring) and wrestle the cat into her carrier. Then we started down the stairs. Once outside, there was an almost jovial atmosphere as people compared notes on which floor they thought the smoke was coming from. It'd been at least five minutes by this time, and there didn't seem to be any fire engines on their way. (You can hear those suckers coming a mile away.) So the husband took it upon himself to call them and inform them of the situations. Then he went inside the lobby, and noticed that the alarm panel was lit up on seven, so apparently that's where the fire was. (He's wicked smart, that one.)
Pretty soon, three engines roared up and these GORGEOUS firefighters ran by. I mean, seriously, what is the deal with that?! Conservative estimate, 75% of the nearly twenty men that showed up were dangerously good-looking. I doubt you'd find those kind of odds in any other profession, and I'm including acting in there as well (after all, there are all those "character" actors to account for). Is it part of the application process? You must appeal to a majority of the female population of your respective city? I wonder if this applies to female firefighters as well?
Anyway, it turns out that someone burned their dinner (the firefighter we spoke to couldn't even identify what
exactly had burned) and the whole thing was over pretty quickly. Unfortunately, by the time we got to bed, it was midnight- so much for our early night!
Here's a pic of the guys practicing their ladder raises:

Oh, and I'm planning on taking cookies over the the station soon. You know, to say thank you ;)