Depressing as all hell:
I visited the future, and it was wearing a bow tie and calling itself “Thomas Edison.”
The newspaper business is not only crumpling up, James Macpherson informed me here, it is probably holding “a one-way ticket to Bangalore.”
Macpherson — bow-tied and white-haired but boyish-looking at 53 — should know...
A Penny for My Thoughts
by Maureen Dowd
The New York Times
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jesus News
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Photo of the Day
The husband and I went for coffee Thanksgiving morning at our usual place. We assumed that since it was a national holiday, we didn't need to worry about the meters, but just in case, I went to put some money in. Only to see this:

Real official, don't ya think? I decided to trust that LA City's official stationary was now Post-It notes, and that handwritten signs in Sharpie were de rigueur.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Baking 101

So, yesterday I baked my first apple pie. As you can see it's not all that pretty but let me tell you it sure was good. The best part of making my own pie was that when I wanted some I just grabbed a fork and dug into the center. It quickly became "Tam's Pie" as I sat on the couch watching Robot Chicken with it on my lap. It was a good day.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!!!

YAY!!! It's Thanksgiving!!!
I'm actually not a huge fan of Thanksgiving. Why? Well, I 'm a rather picky eater and I always saw it as the day I got a slice of turkey and a roll. That was it... it made me sad.
Thankfully, my tastes have gotten a little more sophisticated and I now eat mash potatoes. Woohoo!
In honor of this festive occasion I am posting the link to a South Park Thanksgiving day episode. It's called "Helen Keller, The Musical". Enjoy...
Oh No!
This just in-

Twilight Director Gearing Up for Sequel
Attention Twilighters: All major actors from the megahit vampire flick have signed on for the 2010 sequel New Moon and the Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke is getting ready for the next film.
The pending sequel, which centers on mortal heroine Bella (Kristen Stewart) and werewolf Jacob's (Taylor Lautner) growing friendship, has many fans worried whether fan favorite Lautner will be prepared to step into his enormous werewolf shoes.
"I've got this to say about Taylor. He told me the other day that he had gained 14 pounds since I last saw him," Hardwicke told USA Today. "He's only 16. I think he's chanting to make himself grow."
Of Twilight, which pulled in a whopping $70 million in its first week at the box office, Hardwicke says she feels she fulfilled fan's expectations.
"I do think we create our own world. We got that right," she says. "And the sexual tension between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella was important to make it feel as if it were the book coming to life."
Link to People article.
The biggest complaint about Twilight seemed to be the direction, and here we have confirmation that the same director will be helping the next installment, New Moon. I'm generally an optimistic person, so I'm choosing to focus on the fact that the second half of Twilight was better than the first half, so maybe New Moon will be even better...

Twilight Director Gearing Up for Sequel
Attention Twilighters: All major actors from the megahit vampire flick have signed on for the 2010 sequel New Moon and the Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke is getting ready for the next film.
The pending sequel, which centers on mortal heroine Bella (Kristen Stewart) and werewolf Jacob's (Taylor Lautner) growing friendship, has many fans worried whether fan favorite Lautner will be prepared to step into his enormous werewolf shoes.
"I've got this to say about Taylor. He told me the other day that he had gained 14 pounds since I last saw him," Hardwicke told USA Today. "He's only 16. I think he's chanting to make himself grow."
Of Twilight, which pulled in a whopping $70 million in its first week at the box office, Hardwicke says she feels she fulfilled fan's expectations.
"I do think we create our own world. We got that right," she says. "And the sexual tension between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella was important to make it feel as if it were the book coming to life."
Link to People article.
The biggest complaint about Twilight seemed to be the direction, and here we have confirmation that the same director will be helping the next installment, New Moon. I'm generally an optimistic person, so I'm choosing to focus on the fact that the second half of Twilight was better than the first half, so maybe New Moon will be even better...
What Sound?

What f***ing sound indeed!!!! Around 3am the little lady and I got a rude awakening when a loud crash shattered our peaceful night sleep. What was it? Well, apparently there was a bit of lightening last night and it hit our front tree which resulted in a rather large branch crashing to the ground. Needless to say it took me a bit to get back to sleep as I contemplated how the hell I was going to get rid of it. Which I did this morning at 6:45, I ripped that damn thing apart. Good Morning!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"Unleash the Casey"
Monday, 11/24
Chuck Versus the Gravitron
Since getting cable two months ago, there are quite a few shows that I like to watch- True Blood, Top Gear, NCIS reruns on USA, etc. But the only show that I make sure I'm home for every week is Chuck. Dinner is prepared by 7:55pm, the husband is ready to watch or sworn to silence and my cell phone is set to text T at a moment's notice. It comes precariously close to being the highlight of my week. (Shut up.)
Last night's episode did not disappoint. After the reappearance of Chuck's ex-girlfriend, Jill, a few weeks ago, we learned at the very end of last week's episode that she is a Fulcrum agent (bad guy, for you lay people). I didn't use to be such a huge Chuck-and-Sarah supporter (I think she messes with his feelings), but when I saw how heartbroken she was at the affection between Chuck and Jill, I started rooting for her to kick Jill's lying arse. In my mind, the only silver lining in Chuck's relationship with Jill is that he finally got laid. (What?! With all the sexual tension between him and Sarah, the poor guy probably had a bad case of blue balls for the past season and a half!)
But I was so fed up with Chuck's inability to grow a backbone where it concerned Jill that I wasn't sure I could handle much more. Last night, he managed to redeem himself in my eyes by finally turning Jill in, after she tried to kill Sarah. Although I'm sure the show's writers will find more ways to keep these two star-crossed lovers apart, it looks like Chuck is at least learning how to man up a little.
In other news, next week's episode looks like it centers mostly on Casey, which makes me happy. I love that man; he is endlessly entertaining. I only hope that there'll be a little more Awesome too...
For now, Zachary Levi, out of character. So cute!

Ahhhh.... Chuck....I saw this show on a special NBC promo DVD back in 2006. I wasn't expecting much given I thought the lead guy (Zach Levi) looked a little too dorky and it was an action-comedy by the guy (Josh Schwartz) who brought us the OC and Gossip Girl. Imagine my surprise when I fell totally in love with the show. Zachary Levi (Chuck) is so adorable and Adam Baldwin (Casey) is always amazing. But my favorite character is the kick ass CIA agent Sarah, played by Yvonne Strahovski. She even kicked Baldwin's ass which in my opinion is super impressive.
As K pointed out there has been trouble in Chuck/Sarah land and it’s been terribly annoying. I am a big advocate of the Chuck/Sarah union, despite what others may say (K), I am convinced they belong together and its time they got to it already. Naturally, as is usual with TV shows the writers insist of teasing the shit out of the audience and drag out the inevitable as long as possible. BLAH!!! Enter Jill, Chuck's college ex who is played by the oddly attractive Jordana Brewster. Well Jill naturally comes between the couple and over the course of the last three episodes wraps Chuck around her finger to the point that he turns on Sarah and Casey over and over again.
Now rather than reiterate what K has said, which I completely agree with, I’m going to just say, it’s about damn time. I mean, come on Chuck! How many times does a girl have to screw you over before you figure it out?
The last three episodes have not been to my liking at all. I feel that the plot got a bit off with Chuck doing things completely out of character and his once prominently featured interactions with Sarah cut down to a minimum. I’m hoping with the balls dropping, the incarceration of Jill, and the realization that Sarah is still present that the show will get back on course.
Here's hoping and a look at Yvonne Strahovski out of charater...

Monday, 11/24
Chuck Versus the Gravitron
Since getting cable two months ago, there are quite a few shows that I like to watch- True Blood, Top Gear, NCIS reruns on USA, etc. But the only show that I make sure I'm home for every week is Chuck. Dinner is prepared by 7:55pm, the husband is ready to watch or sworn to silence and my cell phone is set to text T at a moment's notice. It comes precariously close to being the highlight of my week. (Shut up.)
Last night's episode did not disappoint. After the reappearance of Chuck's ex-girlfriend, Jill, a few weeks ago, we learned at the very end of last week's episode that she is a Fulcrum agent (bad guy, for you lay people). I didn't use to be such a huge Chuck-and-Sarah supporter (I think she messes with his feelings), but when I saw how heartbroken she was at the affection between Chuck and Jill, I started rooting for her to kick Jill's lying arse. In my mind, the only silver lining in Chuck's relationship with Jill is that he finally got laid. (What?! With all the sexual tension between him and Sarah, the poor guy probably had a bad case of blue balls for the past season and a half!)
But I was so fed up with Chuck's inability to grow a backbone where it concerned Jill that I wasn't sure I could handle much more. Last night, he managed to redeem himself in my eyes by finally turning Jill in, after she tried to kill Sarah. Although I'm sure the show's writers will find more ways to keep these two star-crossed lovers apart, it looks like Chuck is at least learning how to man up a little.
In other news, next week's episode looks like it centers mostly on Casey, which makes me happy. I love that man; he is endlessly entertaining. I only hope that there'll be a little more Awesome too...
For now, Zachary Levi, out of character. So cute!

Ahhhh.... Chuck....I saw this show on a special NBC promo DVD back in 2006. I wasn't expecting much given I thought the lead guy (Zach Levi) looked a little too dorky and it was an action-comedy by the guy (Josh Schwartz) who brought us the OC and Gossip Girl. Imagine my surprise when I fell totally in love with the show. Zachary Levi (Chuck) is so adorable and Adam Baldwin (Casey) is always amazing. But my favorite character is the kick ass CIA agent Sarah, played by Yvonne Strahovski. She even kicked Baldwin's ass which in my opinion is super impressive.
As K pointed out there has been trouble in Chuck/Sarah land and it’s been terribly annoying. I am a big advocate of the Chuck/Sarah union, despite what others may say (K), I am convinced they belong together and its time they got to it already. Naturally, as is usual with TV shows the writers insist of teasing the shit out of the audience and drag out the inevitable as long as possible. BLAH!!! Enter Jill, Chuck's college ex who is played by the oddly attractive Jordana Brewster. Well Jill naturally comes between the couple and over the course of the last three episodes wraps Chuck around her finger to the point that he turns on Sarah and Casey over and over again.
Now rather than reiterate what K has said, which I completely agree with, I’m going to just say, it’s about damn time. I mean, come on Chuck! How many times does a girl have to screw you over before you figure it out?
The last three episodes have not been to my liking at all. I feel that the plot got a bit off with Chuck doing things completely out of character and his once prominently featured interactions with Sarah cut down to a minimum. I’m hoping with the balls dropping, the incarceration of Jill, and the realization that Sarah is still present that the show will get back on course.
Here's hoping and a look at Yvonne Strahovski out of charater...

Funniest Funny

Every morning I receive the LA Times and once in the house I immediately check the comics section for Ballard Street. It's a single box on the bottom of the page always consisting of one line and a random drawing of everyday life. I'm not sure why I find it so incredible amusing but seeing that it has trumped Get Fuzzy, it definitely deserves a mention.
Monday, November 24, 2008
10 Things I Love, part 1
Unlined paper
Sharp knives
Blue jeans
Tank tops
Men who wear wedding rings
Water guns
Playing solitaire on my iPod
Sharp knives
Blue jeans
Tank tops
Men who wear wedding rings
Water guns
Playing solitaire on my iPod
Friend of the year
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Vatican to John Lennon, "We Forgive You"

It can be assumed that for the last 42 years John Lennon has been stuck in purgatory. After his comment that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus the Catholic Church got a little upset and apparently barred his way into heaven. Well, its nice to see that they can forgive and forget and allow the muscician his rightful place next to Cobain, Joplin, and Hendrix. Rock on!
Check out the song of the day for my own personal tribute to Mr. Lennon.
Comic/Movie News - X-Men First Class

Josh Schwartz, the man behind The OC, Chuck, and Gossip Girl, has signed on to write the big screen adaption of X-Men First Class. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. After X-Men: The Last Stand my faith in the X-Men franchise is shattered. I guess it will depend on what characters will be covered. My dream is that they will delve into the young X-Men from the Last Stand, Kitty, Rogue, Iceman, and Colossus. I am purposely leaving Angel out because I now hate the character thanks to Ben Foster's whiny, simpering portrayal. So angry... I want to see a new headmaster (EMMA FROST!!!) and an edgier, less-aged version that is true to the comics but still kicks ass. Alas, NO Halle Berry!!! Let's see some Grant Morrison action peppered with the killer New X-Men run by Kyle and Yost. Bring on X-23.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
TV News - Pushing Daisies Cancelled

Oh the humanity! One of the most interesting, well-acted, oddly-endearing shows on TV is no longer. Pushing Daisies was cut from the ABC line-up. This is the second fabulous show by Bryan Fuller, the first being Wonderfalls, to get axed way too early. DAMN!!! Where will I get my weekly Kristen Chenoweth fix?
Friday, November 21, 2008
"You are exactly my brand of heroin"
Let me start with a confession: I've read the entire Twilight series at least three times. Much like T, I went into the movie with a healthy dose of skepticism. It's a fairly common reaction when a book you've enjoyed reading is being turned into a movie. I didn't originally care for the casting of Kristen Stewart as Bella, but I was willing to roll with it. Same with Robert Pattinson as Edward, although after the first promo shots came out, I was firmly on Team Robert. I tried to keep an open mind, and allow for creative license and the suspension of disbelief.
So it was with excitement and trepidation that I settled into my seat at the 12:15am showing at the ArcLight last night. Once the screams died down, I prepared myself to be enthralled. Except, I wasn't. Bella and Edward's initial interactions are supposed to be awkward, but this was squirm in your seat awkward. Edward didn't look tortured by Bella's nearness, he looked constipated. And are high school kids really that lame nowadays?
But most of all, I agree with T's assessment of the director's misdirection. In the book, Bella and Edward spend a few days getting to know each other, constantly peppering each other with questions, trying to learn as much as possible about this first love of theirs. But instead of seeing this gradual discovery, we're treated to sweeping camera shots of the Washington (read: Oregon) wilderness that occasionally focus in on the star-crossed lovers while music plays in the background, robbing the audience of the opportunity to see and hear these sweet beginning moments. The absence of a true meadow scene, the lackluster special effects of Edward's sparkling skin, the pointless flying from tree to tree and the lame baseball uniforms all added to my disappointment.
Thankfully, the second half of the movie was a bit better, saving me from complete disappointment. Charlie was an unexpected delight, Robert is always delicious, Cam almost gives him a run for his money and, well, did I mention Robert is absolutely yummy?
I'm seeing it again tomorrow night with the husband. Maybe with a second go around, I'll have more to add?
So it was with excitement and trepidation that I settled into my seat at the 12:15am showing at the ArcLight last night. Once the screams died down, I prepared myself to be enthralled. Except, I wasn't. Bella and Edward's initial interactions are supposed to be awkward, but this was squirm in your seat awkward. Edward didn't look tortured by Bella's nearness, he looked constipated. And are high school kids really that lame nowadays?
But most of all, I agree with T's assessment of the director's misdirection. In the book, Bella and Edward spend a few days getting to know each other, constantly peppering each other with questions, trying to learn as much as possible about this first love of theirs. But instead of seeing this gradual discovery, we're treated to sweeping camera shots of the Washington (read: Oregon) wilderness that occasionally focus in on the star-crossed lovers while music plays in the background, robbing the audience of the opportunity to see and hear these sweet beginning moments. The absence of a true meadow scene, the lackluster special effects of Edward's sparkling skin, the pointless flying from tree to tree and the lame baseball uniforms all added to my disappointment.
Thankfully, the second half of the movie was a bit better, saving me from complete disappointment. Charlie was an unexpected delight, Robert is always delicious, Cam almost gives him a run for his money and, well, did I mention Robert is absolutely yummy?
I'm seeing it again tomorrow night with the husband. Maybe with a second go around, I'll have more to add?
Twilight Movie Review

Its hard to judge Twilight given that I have read the source material several times and I am convinced that I was inevitably going to be disappointed by aspects of the movie. This proved true in the case of Catherine Hardwicke or as I like to refer to her, "the director who tried to steal the movie from her fabulously hot leads". Weird camera angles and random scenic views looked contrived and made the story seem choppier than it already was. The saving grace was the incredibly hot chemistry between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson (example shown). Their exchange was as frustrating as the books and way too short. I think I will have to see it again, with less critical eyes to appreciate it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Comic/Movie News

Sam Mendes, director of American Beauty is attached to direct Preacher. I am very excited about this...
It will be interesting to see how they adapt it. I just hope they don't screw it up.
Preacher is my favorite comic of all time. It is one of the most violent, hilarious, and shocking stories I have ever read. I recommend it to everyone. Read it!!!
Obsession Alert!

After a very long wait, the movie Twilight is finally coming out. Tonight at 12:15 we will experience the awesomeness that is Twilight and perhaps I will get a full night's sleep without some aspect of the book or movie slipping into my dreams.
In honor of this momentous occasion I am posting a super secret pic of Robert Pattinson (Edward) from the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Welcome to our randomness
Hey there, welcome to our blog.
A few of our favorite things:
More Twilight
More Chuck
we have many interests... some just happen to be obsessions.
other areas: books (comics too), music, movies, philosophy, theology, politics, (we can totally be deep) tv, outdoorsy stuff (thats on Kristen), pictures and much much more.
If any of this interests you, show your support, bookmark our page and visit often.
-t & k
A few of our favorite things:
More Twilight
More Chuck
we have many interests... some just happen to be obsessions.
other areas: books (comics too), music, movies, philosophy, theology, politics, (we can totally be deep) tv, outdoorsy stuff (thats on Kristen), pictures and much much more.
If any of this interests you, show your support, bookmark our page and visit often.
-t & k
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