Friday, November 21, 2008

"You are exactly my brand of heroin"

Let me start with a confession: I've read the entire Twilight series at least three times. Much like T, I went into the movie with a healthy dose of skepticism. It's a fairly common reaction when a book you've enjoyed reading is being turned into a movie. I didn't originally care for the casting of Kristen Stewart as Bella, but I was willing to roll with it. Same with Robert Pattinson as Edward, although after the first promo shots came out, I was firmly on Team Robert. I tried to keep an open mind, and allow for creative license and the suspension of disbelief.

So it was with excitement and trepidation that I settled into my seat at the 12:15am showing at the ArcLight last night. Once the screams died down, I prepared myself to be enthralled. Except, I wasn't. Bella and Edward's initial interactions are supposed to be awkward, but this was squirm in your seat awkward. Edward didn't look tortured by Bella's nearness, he looked constipated. And are high school kids really that lame nowadays?

But most of all, I agree with T's assessment of the director's misdirection. In the book, Bella and Edward spend a few days getting to know each other, constantly peppering each other with questions, trying to learn as much as possible about this first love of theirs. But instead of seeing this gradual discovery, we're treated to sweeping camera shots of the Washington (read: Oregon) wilderness that occasionally focus in on the star-crossed lovers while music plays in the background, robbing the audience of the opportunity to see and hear these sweet beginning moments. The absence of a true meadow scene, the lackluster special effects of Edward's sparkling skin, the pointless flying from tree to tree and the lame baseball uniforms all added to my disappointment.

Thankfully, the second half of the movie was a bit better, saving me from complete disappointment. Charlie was an unexpected delight, Robert is always delicious, Cam almost gives him a run for his money and, well, did I mention Robert is absolutely yummy?

I'm seeing it again tomorrow night with the husband. Maybe with a second go around, I'll have more to add?

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