Monday, 11/24
Chuck Versus the Gravitron
Since getting cable two months ago, there are quite a few shows that I like to watch- True Blood, Top Gear, NCIS reruns on USA, etc. But the only show that I make sure I'm home for every week is Chuck. Dinner is prepared by 7:55pm, the husband is ready to watch or sworn to silence and my cell phone is set to text T at a moment's notice. It comes precariously close to being the highlight of my week. (Shut up.)
Last night's episode did not disappoint. After the reappearance of Chuck's ex-girlfriend, Jill, a few weeks ago, we learned at the very end of last week's episode that she is a Fulcrum agent (bad guy, for you lay people). I didn't use to be such a huge Chuck-and-Sarah supporter (I think she messes with his feelings), but when I saw how heartbroken she was at the affection between Chuck and Jill, I started rooting for her to kick Jill's lying arse. In my mind, the only silver lining in Chuck's relationship with Jill is that he finally got laid. (What?! With all the sexual tension between him and Sarah, the poor guy probably had a bad case of blue balls for the past season and a half!)
But I was so fed up with Chuck's inability to grow a backbone where it concerned Jill that I wasn't sure I could handle much more. Last night, he managed to redeem himself in my eyes by finally turning Jill in, after she tried to kill Sarah. Although I'm sure the show's writers will find more ways to keep these two star-crossed lovers apart, it looks like Chuck is at least learning how to man up a little.
In other news, next week's episode looks like it centers mostly on Casey, which makes me happy. I love that man; he is endlessly entertaining. I only hope that there'll be a little more Awesome too...
For now, Zachary Levi, out of character. So cute!

Ahhhh.... Chuck....I saw this show on a special NBC promo DVD back in 2006. I wasn't expecting much given I thought the lead guy (Zach Levi) looked a little too dorky and it was an action-comedy by the guy (Josh Schwartz) who brought us the OC and Gossip Girl. Imagine my surprise when I fell totally in love with the show. Zachary Levi (Chuck) is so adorable and Adam Baldwin (Casey) is always amazing. But my favorite character is the kick ass CIA agent Sarah, played by Yvonne Strahovski. She even kicked Baldwin's ass which in my opinion is super impressive.
As K pointed out there has been trouble in Chuck/Sarah land and it’s been terribly annoying. I am a big advocate of the Chuck/Sarah union, despite what others may say (K), I am convinced they belong together and its time they got to it already. Naturally, as is usual with TV shows the writers insist of teasing the shit out of the audience and drag out the inevitable as long as possible. BLAH!!! Enter Jill, Chuck's college ex who is played by the oddly attractive Jordana Brewster. Well Jill naturally comes between the couple and over the course of the last three episodes wraps Chuck around her finger to the point that he turns on Sarah and Casey over and over again.
Now rather than reiterate what K has said, which I completely agree with, I’m going to just say, it’s about damn time. I mean, come on Chuck! How many times does a girl have to screw you over before you figure it out?
The last three episodes have not been to my liking at all. I feel that the plot got a bit off with Chuck doing things completely out of character and his once prominently featured interactions with Sarah cut down to a minimum. I’m hoping with the balls dropping, the incarceration of Jill, and the realization that Sarah is still present that the show will get back on course.
Here's hoping and a look at Yvonne Strahovski out of charater...

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