Monday, December 8, 2008

"Articulate Schnook"

Monday, 12/8

Chuck Versus the DeLorean

If I didn't know how far ahead TV shows work, I might think that the producers of Chuck had read my last post and decided to act on it. For the first time in who knows how many episodes, Anna was back in the picture, brow-beating Morgan into adulthood via cohabitation. (I for one would've never pegged Anna as a "shabby chic" kind of gal, would you?) The Sarah-centric episode did not disappoint, even if it was much less violent than Chuck Versus the Cougars. But best of all, Chuck was back to his sincere, quick-thinking, somewhat bumbling but incredibly charming self.

I have one little complaint: there was a sad lack of nearly-naked Awesome in this episode. However, I will admit, Gary Cole was excellent as Sarah's con-man father, especially when he kept referring to Casey as "cop face." But I couldn't help but wonder: did Sarah get the memo about the TPS reports?

Next week's episode already has me nervous: apparently, Casey gets shot! Since it's probably the last new episode until the new year, I'm at least hoping there's some mistletoe shenanigans involving Chuck and Sarah. COME ON! Get these two crazy kids together already!

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