Sunday, December 14, 2008

No salvation on the horizon

The Salvation Army has rules and ranks. Apparently as the accompanying article states, an officer in the Salvation Army cannot marry outside his rank. So the poor guy who fell in love with a woman who is not part of the Salvation Army now faces exile after 14 years of service. That's hard-f***ing-core. Johnny Harsh, the man under investigation, apparently knew he was wrong but hopes the "powers that be" will reconsider.

Follow the link to the story. A couple quotes I found interesting:

"However, I signed a covenant to obey my Salvation Army leaders and I have failed to obey my leaders."

"Unfortunately, Johnny lost his life partner, his wife, Yoley, and his life changed at that time," she said. "We will miss him."

Song of the day goes out to Captain Johnny Harsh.


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