Monday, December 1, 2008

"Seven Years of MacGyver..."

Monday, 12/1

Chuck Versus the Sensei

In a strange twist of fate, Sarah has been growing on me the last few episodes, whereas Chuck, my former golden boy, is just starting to piss me off. The man needs to learn how to stay in the car, or at least stay un-caught. Sure, sure, maybe he pulled off the big save in the end by goading Casey towards his "angry center," but seriously my man, you gotta stop acting the fool!

That said, a few of my favorite moments from this week's episode:
1. Chuck's disappointment over Pluto's loss of planet-ship (planetdom? membership to the planet club?). I am right there with you Chuck. Pluto was my favorite planet, and it deserved more. And really, an even number of planets is just lame.
2. Chuck's use of freon to get out of the handcuff (a cute idea, even if it is an impossibility) and his subsequent remark, "those seven years of MacGyver finally paid off." If you like MacGyver like I like MacGyver, check this out. I think this is going on my Christmas list.
3. Chuck's promise to Ellie that he would find their father in time to walk her down the aisle. I mean, seriously, Chuck, start using all that CIA/NSA access at your fingertips! And if all else fails, ask her if you can do it- she'd appreciate it, I'm sure.

Next week's episode centers on Sarah and her daddy issues. For those of you who saw the Sarah-flashback-to-high-school episode with Nicole Ritchie, you know this is gonna be GOOD!

P.S. Where has Anna been?!

And for a little bit more of MacGyver:


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