You know how some people say all weather is earthquake weather? It's calm, earthquake. It's raining, earthquake. It's the middle of the night and I'm sleeping, earthquake. Well, in my world earthquakes are zombies. It is always zombie weather. It's a gloomy one today and the girlfriend is making me go shopping. Naturally my mind wandered to Dawn of the Dead. Clearly, I'm not a huge fan of shopping. But, the mall is dangerous, damn it! If the zombie invasion happens we have documented evidence of where they will go first. Well, after they eat their loved ones. They will head on over to the mall and BAM! We will be forced to live at the mall with a chick who is pregnant with a little zombie baby and crazy baby daddy who won't put a bullet to it. See now, this is not kosher. It's clear, I cannot put myself or my darling girl in harm's way. It's for our safety. I'm sure she will understand.
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